providing ongoing leadership
Chair: Patricia Fraser (ON)
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up of distinguished professionals from within and outside the dance community, and provides ongoing leadership and strategic direction.
- Chair: Patricia Fraser (ON)
- Vice-Chair: Alèn Martel (AB)
- Treasurer: Cynthia Bliss, CPA, CA (ON)
- Secretary: Jill Humphries, Ph.D. (ON)
- Past Chair: Monique Rabideau (ON)
- Brenda Gorlick (MB)
- Rénald Jean-Pierre (QC)
- Garry Neil (ON)
- Lee Sela (ON)
- Louise Smith (ON)
- Lynda White (QC)
The DTRC Board Directors are chosen from across the country for their diversity of skills, experience, and knowledge; each brings their own particular perspective to the table. The Board has a profound understanding of the values and mission of the organization and keeps the DTRC on a steady path by providing leadership, direction, and accountability to ensure the organization continues to provide the services needed and valued by the dance community.
While the entire Board of Directors is engaged in strategic planning, the Board is comprised of six sub-committees, including: Executive, Awards, Finance, Fundraising & Development, Governance & Nomination, and Human Resources.
Financial Oversight
Financial planning and budgeting are conducted at the Board level, in consultation with the staff. Budgets are developed for both three-year and annual cycles, using actuals from completed years and assessing trends to forecast future need. The DTRC has a Designated Fund that is internally restricted by the Board and maintained to cover multi-year contracts and payables.
Understanding & Managing Risk
The DTRC’s financial risk tolerance is low. The Board of Directors monitors the organization’s investment portfolio in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. The Board’s primary objective is the preservation of capital in order to ensure the funds are maintained for future needs.
Funding Strategies
The DTRC recognizes that a major portion of its annual funding comes from the public sector, rendering the DTRC vulnerable to changes in legislation and government funding priorities. The DTRC is committed to expanding its private sector fundraising across the country and continues to dedicate resources to private sector relations to meet long-term financial strategies and goals.
Founder: Joysanne Sidimus, M.S.M.
Founding President
Founding President: Karen Kain, C.C., LL.D., D.Litt., O.Ont.