on the MOVE / danse TRANSIT
essential career development series for dance artists
About the Program
on the MOVE / danse TRANSIT (OTM / DT) is a dynamic career planning and networking series designed specifically for dancers building professional careers. The series includes Start-Up workshops at schools, studios and training hubs, our Momentum national online panel discussion, a NEW Launch Pad: career coaching cohort program, and live, Industry Connect! networking events across the country.
Presented by the Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC) in collaboration with regional and national arts service organizations, the series welcomes dancers into the professional community, and provides them with the skills, resources and networking opportunities they need to make inspired and informed career moves.
Learn valuable skills, discover resources and make new connections with dancers across all forms and practices!
Join Us!
ALL EVENTS ARE FREE. Registration is required.
on the MOVE / danse TRANSIT includes English- and French-speaking artists and presenters.
English and French simultaneous translation available.
ASL, LSQ, captioning and accessibility options upon request as required.
on the MOVE / danse TRANSIT 2024 features a hybrid live/digital & local/national series of events including:
Questions: engagementassistant@dtrc.ca