Maryse Damecour

stories & testimonials

After having completed studies in sociology (Laval University), Maryse Damecour completed her training at l’École de danse de Québec. She then worked for more than 10 years in dance and physical theater. A recurring injury took its toll on her dancing career.

“The hot spot came with a relapse in 2016, when I realized it was over. My body told me “stop, or I’ll break.” ”

In addition to having taken advantage of the career counselling services, Maryse benefited from the support of the DTRC in her dealings with the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST). These actions were aimed not only at the recognition of her work injury, but also to provide access to the professional rehabilitation program, a right provided for by law. In these turbulent times, Maryse remembers that being able to count on the prompt support of the DTRC was most impactful.

“Parise had already taken these steps [with the CNESST] with other dancers, and she very well explained to me what was going to happen. Knowing this path in advance reassured me. “

For Maryse, this whole process implied a total halt to her dance career, but like all dancers who show up at the door of the DTRC, she always intended to remain active and to contribute positively to society, which the joint support of the DTRC and the CNESST enabled quickly.

Maryse Damecour is currently a doctoral student in psychology at the Université du Québec à Montréal and still dances, for the pleasure’s sake.