Angola Murdoch and Natalie Fullerton
stories & testimonials
With professional experience in aerial silks, fire dance & theatrical clown performance, Angola Murdoch and Natalie Fullerton were drawn to explore clowning for pediatric and geriatric care work in hospitals. Together, they both received a retraining grant to take a Therapeutic Clowning Certificate Program. Through this program they would learn mime and clowning techniques, sign-language and best practices in health care environments. Angola enrolled in 2 French language courses, and Natalie took two Emergency First Aid courses through Skills Grants support. Following the training they would garner placements at Safehaven Respite for young people who have cognitive and physical disabilities. Additionally, they also received a placement at Sunny Brook Veterans Centre, utilizing their specialized training in therapeutic care and physical creativity to connect with others through singing, laughing and spending meaningful time with over 500 veterans.
“My therapeutic clown course turned out to more fantastical than I could have ever imagined. I knew I would like the work, I didn’t know I would love the work.” – Angola
“I am officially a working fool! Thank you again for all of your time, energy and information, I’m so grateful.” – Natalie