National Office
The Lynda Hamilton Centre
Suite 303
1000 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4W 2K2
Phone: 416-595-5655
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
– 10am to 5pm
*Wheelchair accessible
Quebec Office
5584 chemin de la Cote-de-Liesse Mont-Royal
Montreal, QC
H4P 1A9
The Quebec Office is open on a part-time basis, according to a variable schedule. Please email the office to book an appointment.
BC Office
The BC office runs as a virtual office and is open on a part-time basis, according to a variable schedule.
Regional Reps
British Columbia
Jessica Mckeown
Paige Wichers
Eugene “GeNie” Baffoe
Sydney Ewert
Toll-free: 1-800-667-0851
Territory Acknowledgment
We acknowledge the lands, waterways, languages, and Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island – First Nations, Inuit and Métis – who have been living on these lands since time immemorial. As we carry out our work, digitally and in person across many distinct territories, we offer our recognition and respect to all the peoples and places that are connected through our engagement together. We, at the Dancer Transition Resource Centre, commit to the ongoing work and learning required of all of us to address past and persistent harms. We continue to deepen our understanding and we welcome dialogue as we strive to move into better relations with Indigenous peoples and with the land.